
Enjoy a collection of trailer videos, introducing a wide variety of titles. Look out for new videos at the top of the page.

Discussing Albert Maltz and the background to ’A Long Day in a Short Life’

Discussing ‘A Long Day in a Short Life’ by Albert Maltz: the key characters

Dr Patrick Chura on ‘A Long Day in a Short Life’ by Albert Maltz

Rupert Degas on ‘A Long Day in a Short Life’ by Albert Maltz

A Tale of One January by Albert Maltz

The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce – Teaser 4

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce – Teaser 3

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce – Teaser 2

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce – Teaser 1

The Forsyte Chronicles by John Galsworthy

The Decameron by Boccaccio

The Diary of Samuel Pepys

The Prelude by William Wordsworth

Remembrance of Things Past with Neville Jason

In the Studio: Bleak House

In the Studio: War and Peace

David Timson reads Sherlock Holmes