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The NAB Blog: The Naxos Spoken Word Library – 24/7

Most people listen to our (wonderful!) Naxos AudioBooks recordings on CD. And an increasing number, especially in the US and the UK, prefer to download them from our site (or from others) – as you will see on any title’s page, …


The Vikings (unabridged)

Between the eighth and eleventh centuries Vikings stormed out of their Scandinavian homelands to raid and loot along the coasts of Europe. In old …


The Iliad (unabridged)

Perhaps the greatest poem of the Western world, The Iliad tells the story of fifty critical days towards the end of the Trojan war. …

Dinosaurs (unabridged)

Dinosaurs (unabridged)

Journey back in time to the age of the dinosaurs, the biggest, scariest creatures the world has ever known. Which dinosaurs hunted in packs …

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume VI (unabridged)

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire has always maintained its initial appeal to both the general public and scholars alike. Its sheer …

The NAB Blog: Breathe In Deeply: A Year of Major Classics

We are assailed by new writing. It could be the latest John Grisham or Lee Child, Rose Tremain, Haruki Murakami, Joanna Trollope, Brett Easton Ellis or Peter Carey. The publicity machines of the big publishers are always loading up their …

The NAB Blog: Introducing opera...

Being part of the international classical music label Naxos, music is one of pillars of Naxos AudioBooks, and has been since its inception. We began with the platform of classical music with classic literature and it formed the distinct character …

The NAB Blog: Tomartoes, Tomaytoes, Potartoes, Potaytoes

We get, I am glad to say, a steady stream of appreciative reviews from critics (professional and amateur), in newspapers, magazines, internet sites as well as on podcasts and radio; and it must be said, not a few letters from …

The NAB Blog: Stress, holidays, gadgets and La Cenerentola

Nicolas and the Adriatic… photo: Sarah Butcher Devices. Gadgets. Time-saving, dinky little inventions. Don’t we love ’em! Well, I do. And, curiously, it is holiday time when they really come into their own. Especially in travel time. I was off …

The NAB Blog: Once more, with feeling

HAL 9000 The latest Kindle arrived through the post the other day, and I pounced. This is not at all because I am a sad person in need of gadgetry stimulation, or that I update my man’s toys willy-nilly. I …

The NAB Blog: Naxos Spoken Word Library and Streaming in 2011

Welcome to 2011, and another year of stimulating listening! For so many of us, listening to the spoken word has become a habit, a way of life, a normal activity, especially when setting out on a journey or a walk. …

The NAB Blog: Pepys and the history of diary-writing

2015 marks a new era for Naxos AudioBooks with the departure of publisher Nicolas Soames for pastures new. Naxos AudioBooks has established a deservedly enviable reputation for the quality of its recordings, particularly – though not exclusively – in the classics of …

The NAB Blog: Team Gibbon: The unmatched pairing of Edward Gibbon and David Timson

And so off into another year. But not just another year for it is 20 years since Klaus Heymann and I first started Naxos AudioBooks. And what a couple of decades it has been. It seems so long ago that …

The NAB Blog: All Change at the Helm

Two decades ago, in 1994, Klaus Heymann and I started Naxos AudioBooks as a literary addition to the rapidly growing classical label Naxos. Its purpose was clear: to provide top-quality audiobook recordings along the theme of ‘Classic Literature with Classical …

History of the Olympics

A History of the Olympics (unabridged)

An unusual release on audiobook format! The 2008 Beijing Olympics take place in August. John Goodbody, for many years chief sports news writer for …


The Aeneid (abridged)

Virgil’s Aeneid, one of the greatest Classical poems, tells the story of Aeneas, son of Priam, after the fall of Troy. His quest is …

The History of Theatre (unabridged)

The History of Theatre (unabridged)

This bold undertaking covers Western theatre from ancient Greece to the present day. It traces the development of dramatic art through the miracle plays, …

Narrow Road to the Interior

Narrow Road to the Interior, Hōjōki (unabridged)

Japanese poetry is well-known for its clarity and concision, and Narrow Road to the Interior and Hōjōki are two of the best-loved, and most …

Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild (unabridged)

Buck is living the good life in the soft South, when he is snatched and transported to the savagery of the Northland. There, the …


Walden, and Civil Disobedience (unabridged)

In 1845 Henry David Thoreau, one of the principal New England Transcendentalists, left the small town of Concord for the country. Beside the lake …

History of the Olympics

A History of the Olympics (unabridged)

This unique audiobook history of the Olympics, first issued in 2008, has been updated to include the Beijing Olympics and released to coincide with …

The Yosemite (unabridged)

The Yosemite (unabridged)

For two years Scots-born John Muir lived in a small cabin along the Yosemite creek, observing the valley’s natural beauty and reading Emerson under …