Classic American Poetry (compilation)

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Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson & Walt Whitman

Classic American Poetry

Read by Garrick Hagon, Liza Ross, William Hootkins, Kate Harper, James Goode & Alibe Parsons


The United States themselves are, essentially, the greatest poem’ said Walt Whitman. Here are the much-loved examples of the free spirit of America in all its glory.

  • Running Time: 2 h 32 m

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    More product details
    Digital ISBN:978-962-954-636-6
    Cat. no.:NA219812
    Download size:37 MB
    Produced by:Garrick Hagon and Nicolas Soames
    Edited by:Beth Hammond
    Compiled by:Garrick Hagon
    Released:September 2004
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