Mountolive (unabridged)

Audio Sample

Lawrence Durrell


Read by Nicholas Boulton


‘Mountolive who had already found the open sesame of language ready to hand, suddenly began to feel himself really penetrating a foreign country…’ In Mountolive, the third volume in Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet, the events surrounding the interwoven community of Nessim, Justine, Narouz, Pursewarden and the other major characters are given a very different perspective. The intrigues and complex relationships are seen through the political prism of a world plunging towards war. David Mountolive, once emotionally involved with Nessim’s set, now returns to Egypt as the British ambassador…

Audiofile – Best of 2021
  • Running Time: 11 h 33 m

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    Digital ISBN:978-1-78198-388-1
    Cat. no.:NA0524
    Produced by:John Foley
    Edited by:Andrew Riches
    Text:© 1958 Lawrence Durrell. Copyright renewed © 1986 by Lawrence Durrell
    Released:August 21
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